The wall of the old majesty

The wall of the old majesty

Mixed media on canvas, cm. 70 x 49


Alfonso Borghi, was born in Campegine, Reggio Emilia in 1944. He exhibited for the first time at the age of 18 thanks to the help of a collector. With him he went to Paris, where he stayed briefly, studying in particular Picasso and Cubism. Back home he met George Pielmann, a pupil of Kokoschka, and discovered the possibilities of substance and gestures through expressionism. Self-taught, with great sensitivity and technical rigor, Borghi, in forty years of uninterrupted activity, has arrived to a pictorial synthesis of unquestionable charm. Moving from the figurative Morandian of the early years to a lacerating surrealism of the Eighties. To a futurist-style abstraction of the following decade. Borghi has today reached a synthesis. Sumptuous and skilful use of material is associated with a sense of color of extreme and supreme sensitivity. After the exhibitions in the most prestigious Italian galleries, Borghi has gained the attention of experts throughout Europe (Marseille, Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Lugano, Antwerp and Paris) and in the United States (New York and Los Angeles). In Italy Borghi has participated in numerous institutional exhibitions including Rome Chiostro del Bramante, Genoa Museo della Commenda, Florence Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Perugia Rocca Paolina, Sant’Agata bolognese Lamborghini Museum. The Art Gallery Zanini Arte dedicates the first exhibition to the artist Alfonso Borghi at its spaces in 2015. The exhibition is a solo show entitled “Materia Ritmo Musica”. In 2016, he was chosen by Automobili Lamborghini for an exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the iconic Miura. “Speed and Color” took place at the historical museum of the House in Sant’Agata Bolognese. In 2017, Art Gallery Zanini Arte, organized an exhibition of Borghi at the Polironiana Monastic Library entitled “On the wings of the spirit”, the ancient dialogues with the contemporary; curated by Prof. Giammarco Puntelli and Prof. Paolo Bertelli. The same year, he exhibited again at the spaces of the Art Gallery Zanini Arte with a double solo show, together with the sculptor Mario Pavesi. Exhibition entitled “Matter-S-Culture” by Prof. Gianfranco Ferlisi.

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Zanini Arte