Humana CCXXXIII Terrae

Humana CCXXXIII Terrae

Oil on canvas, cm. 80 x 55


Lamberto Melina, Born in Lombardy and natural talent, Lamberto Melina has developed his innate qualities from a very young age under the guidance of talented artists. Graduated in philosophy, art director and visual designer, since the early 90s he has been dedicated to art with enthusiasm and growing success, exposing in many personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad. In ’96 he ends a cycle and disappears from the art scene until 2008. During these years of silence he dedicated himself to the theoretical foundation of his own “artistic action”, experimenting at the same time multiple techniques, from video art to computer art, from material art to photography. As a conclusion of this conceptual path he reappears in public with an innovative stilema, ontologically powerful and fascinating, becoming in a short time one of the most appreciated artists at national and European level, so much so that at the end of 2009 the prestigious Mondadori cultural magazine “Prometeo” dedicated a long interview to him, in which the artist exposes the philosophical and conceptual path. innovator, ontologically powerful and fascinating, becoming in a short time one of the most appreciated artists at national and European level, so much so that at the end of 2009 the prestigious Mondadori cultural magazine “Prometeo” dedicated a long interview to him, in which the artist exposes the philosophical and design foundations of his new, innovative and revolutionary action. Since then, Melina has been proposing a new path for contemporary art that moves away from the act/meaning equivalence that so much depletes the current art, sinking full hands into the poietic basin, where symbols create the world and not vice versa, where the intelligence of reality is determined by the potential (emotional, metaphorical, symbolic, consciential) and not from the visible surface, mere virtual representation of the senses. In the last 10 years Melina has exhibited in many important institutional venues (including, in 2012 at the 54th Venice Biennale, S.Andrea al Quirinale and Chiostro degli Agostiniani in Rome, Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, etc.) and museums in Italy and abroad and maintains relationships with many prestigious Italian and foreign galleries. He lives and works in Sarezzo (Bs). (A. Zaina curator, critic and art historian – Brescia)
Autobiographical note.
We each feel and live our lives according to an inspired design. The inspiration comes from the various planes of existence that are part of our reality: physical, rational, spiritual, consciential or animic. Everyone seeks his or her own way, untangling himself or herself among the thousand and thousand obstacles of existence, in order to achieve his or her purpose and goal. Often reunification is a source of great pleasure and enjoyment, sometimes it is a source of sorrow and pity.
For many years I fought against the emergence of my craftsmanship which undermined the possibility of satisfactory verbal communication. I kept it for years in check, flooding it with scientific and philosophical studies, distorting it with extreme materiality. Then one day, somehow, I woke up again, and something deep tied to my ability to “do” and I could only follow the call.  Today I can see clearly and say that art is pure suffering, a sort of curse that is imposed and that, in order to produce wonders that bewitch men and that lead to amazing catharsis, make those who create them descend to the limits of consciousness and reason, almost as if the same works were generated by the spirits that create the vital glow that makes them vibrate so high.
The aim of an artist, of every artist, is to survive inwardly and consciously to this transfer of vital energies while at the same time opening a crack in the motionless and distorted habit of interpreting the world.
(Lamberto Melina)
In 2018 Lamberto Melina exhibit at Art Gallery Zanini Arte with a personal show “Extra Mundi” curated by Paola Artoni

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