Chest of drawers in pairs, Luigi XVI
Giuseppe Maggiolini workshop, Luigi XVI “Chest of drawers in pairs” walnut veneer, fillets anf inlays in precious wood essences
Laquered console, Luigi XV
Venezia Luigi XV “Laquered console” polychrome wooden support
Moved drawer, Luigi XV
Veneto Luigi XV “Moved drawer” walnut veneer
Broken line chest of drawers, Luigi XIV
Veneto Luigi XIV “Broken line chest of drawers” solid briar an walnut veneer
Rounded chest of drawers, Luigi XV
Venezia Luigi XV “Rounded chest of drawers” walnut veneer adn briar, fine wood fillets, ivory and mother of pearl inlays
Rounded chest of drawers, Luigi XV
Emilia Luigi XV “Rounded chest of drawers” walnut venner and briar
Cantonal moved,, Luigi XV
Genova Luigi XV “Cantonal moved” walnut veneer
Spool table, Luigi XIV
Bologna, Luigi XIV “Spool table” solid walnut wood, cm. 84 x 286 x 110
Noble hight chair, XVI sec.
Emilia, XVI sec. “Noble hight chair” solid walnut wood, pure gold leaf decoration
Pantry cupboard, XVII sec.
Lombardia XVII sec. “Pantry cupboard” solid walnut wood